Meghan Trainor Might Have Performed for the TODAY Show, But This Was Really A Get-Together For Her and Her Fans
The singer created an intimate and memorable setting during her short setlist.

Meghan Trainor signing autographs while also catching up with her fans. Photo by Giselle Medina.
Numb… that’s how I feel.
At the two-hour mark, I realized that I had left my gloves at home and maybe it should have been a good idea to wear thicker socks. The cold was seeping in, and I was starting to lose feeling in my fingertips and ankles.
It’s 2:15 am and I just got on the line in front of Rockefeller Plaza to see Meghan Trainor perform on the TODAY show. As the hours passed until check-in time (5:45 am) there was no one in sight. The stillness of the night was interrupted by the passing of cars and garbage trucks. It’s then I realize I’m in the heart of New York City on - by far- the coldest of nights this season. But it’s something that I relish in - I’ve never gone to a live taping of the TODAY show and I have become one with the fans. Normally anything after 9 pm is a hard no for me, today is different. I found myself chatting with those who got there before me at 7 pm the night before camped with chairs and blankets to large soda cups from Five Guys and lots and lots of Dunkin’.
Shocking is an understatement. But as more and more people lined up before me in the “Fan Access” section, I was overhearing things like “I got no sleep” or “I’ve been up for the past 10 hours.” People traveled to see the singer from Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin, and even Toronto. There’s devotion here.
Meghan Trainor is here in light of her 5th studio album “Takin’ It Back” being released today. It’s her first album since the birth of her baby boy, Riley. Despite being on the sidelines and held by his father Daryl Sabara, he grasped the hearts of everyone in the audience just by doing a little wave. Talk about cuteness overload.
Meghan’s husband and son weren’t the only ones in attendance. Her parents, brother, TikTok content creator/friend Chris Olsen and others were also there to support her comeback to the music scene.
Meghan wasn't shy to make side comments to her fans during the soundcheck of "Made You Look" and if the song sounded familiar, you’ve probably been on TikTok, where 21.5K videos that have used the song. Video by Giselle Medina.
But numb doesn’t just cover the loss of feeling in my limbs but of the need to process that I was so close to the singer. After being checked in, I was placed next to the stage. And with that came a level of intimacy. Everyone was so close together, it felt like a private show.
Dressed in hot pink from head to toe and with a fully bedazzled microphone, she was the center of attention. She was the moment. Meghan first came out at around 6 am to do a soundcheck. Shivering and mouthing “it’s so cold,” she sang "Don't I️ Make It Look Easy," “Bad For Me,” “Made You Look” and “Your Lips Are Moving.” The first three are the singles off her newest album and the last is from her 2014 album “Title.”
This was right after she finished her set. It truly depicts how excited she is to share her music with us. Photo by Caroline B., one of the fans who attended the live show.
But what made this an experience to remember was the bond that Meghan had with her fans. She made sure to take pictures with everyone, sign autographs - you know, the basic celebrity thing. But she KNEW everyone that was surrounding the stage. Giving them hugs and exclaiming “I haven’t seen you in so long” or “there’s no way you’re already 18.” There was a camaraderie between them that I hadn’t ever seen between a celebrity and their fans - they were like family.
Then soundcheck ended. For almost an hour, everyone in the crowd was waiting for her to come back. As the sun slowly graced us with its presence and warmth, the TODAY show showered us with gifts from fanny packs to sunglasses to casually asking if we’d want to film a promo (I was in two). Despite the long wait, they succeed in keeping us occupied and forgetting that we had been standing for the last 5 hours.
During her live performance, Meghan sang with everything she had hitting every note. Not missing a beat that her band provided. She would make gestures with her hands for us to help her out with the lyrics. Everyone was singing with her. But we could see her discomfort. One fan asked if she was cold, and Meghan responded with a subtle nod and a quiver of the bottom lip. But she powered through, singing “Made You Look” twice and making her rounds with fans for a second time.
Meghan Trainor let her personality shine during "Don't I️ Make It Look Easy." Video by Giselle Medina.
Despite this live show only broadcasting three songs (not including the soundcheck), one thing is for certain, Meghan Trainor goes out of her way for her fans. She’d talk to them as if they were old friends, making jokes and TikTok references, even letting them fix her makeup if the lipstick was smudged. She was comfortable and with people who would appreciate her effort. It was refreshing.
But anyways, Meghan Trainor's newest album "Takin' It Back" dropped today. Do yourself a favor, and take listen to it.